This morning I was reading a devotional from The Word for Today and it was centred around the scripture Colossions 3:13 about forgiveness.
If you've been a Christian for a long time you would no doubt have heard over and over (and over!) again about the importance of forgiveness.
However this morning I sensed the need to consider forgiveness in my life. My thoughts went back to an event where I was treated unfairly and how since then my attitude towards people had become more critical and that I had been distancing myself from others. I could see that the barrier I had put up came from hurt and unforgiveness.
The word grievance particular spoke to my heart as God lovingly showed me that He understood my pain and the unfairness of what had happened to me and that the situation had led me to grieve. He showed me that this was a normal reaction, however in that grief I had also let in unforgiveness and the affect this was having on me was not good.
The Lord reminds us that unforgiveness is not always for the people who have hurt us, but rather for ourselves. I needed to forgive the people who had hurt me for me! I didn't want to be this critical person who preferred to hide from people. Thats not me!
And so, thankfully, with the Lords help I was able to let go of the unforgiveness and the hurt and in doing that began to feel free and could feel that sense of compassion towards others return into my heart. Since then I have sensed a new lightness in my step and have found myself reaching out to others again and wanting to be a blessing where I can.
No doubt that is why we are always reminded of the importance to forgive. At times we don't even realise the affects that unforgiveness is having in our lives! But it is never good!
It is important to set up healthy bounderies in our lives - however there is a big difference between healthy bounderies and the walls we build around us by unforgiveness.
Further reflection also reminded me how freely Jesus forgive me every single day and believe me I need his forgiveness every single day! He forgives me without judgement, he forgives me with compassion. He forgives me with love.
If I want to me more like Jesus (and I do) then forgiveness is something I should never overlook. Grief is allowed, even anger is mentioned as a normal emotion, but unforgiveness is something we should never hang on to.
Do you need to forgive today and be free from the effects it is having on your life?
Ask Jesus, He will show you and He will help you forgive.
Be blessed