When you think of Ministry, does the word Business also come to mind?
For me the two have always been separate entities.
Yet here I am going into the Ministry Business!!
To get to this point I had to consider if it was correct to consider ministry as a business?
So let's have a look at how the dictionary (Collins Online) defines
Ministry - The ministry of a religious person is the work that they do that is based on or inspired by their religious beliefs.
Business - A business is an organization which produces and sells goods or which provides a service.
For me, this pretty well sums up what Jenspen is about. Working full time using my God given gifts for the purpose of sharing the gospel message and encouraging others. The business side relates to the income I need to do this work.
Jenspen sells goods and services through the website to bring in income - this is the business side.
What Jenspen offers online in order to share the gospel message is ministry.
Jenspen also offers to support other Christian craftspeople, artists, hobbyists etc by posting their items for sale on her website for a small commission fee. This offers support and recognition to others out there who may not be interested in having their own website or stall etc.
To keep Jenspen moving forward I have been blessed to be accepted into a 12 month program this year that will help me build Jenspen as an online ministry business.
So lets get down to MINISTRY BUSINESS!!!