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Writer's pictureJenspen

$1/Share Club

Ministries are built on prayer and obedience to God; and being willing to step out in obedience when called. I believe God has given me the idea of the $1/Share Club as one way to meet the financial needs of Jenspen's ministry.

The $1/Share Club is a club of supporters for Jenspen based on the scripture in Matthew 13:32 "It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”

The way it works is to plant a small seed of $1 per month directly into Jenspen's ministry and to share the $1/Share Club message with another.

$1 does not seem like much I know, but it is a seed planted into this ministry and this is what matters. It is just as important to share the $1/Share Club message as it is to commit to $1 per month. God is the One who will provide for this ministry and I trust Him in how He chooses to do this.

So if you feel led to join The $1/Share Club - Welcome and Thankyou!

May you Be Blessed as you Give and Share!


Bank Account Details for The $1/Share Club

Name - Jenspen

BSB - 062692

ACCOUNT - 70692627

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