I pray for you today if you are worried about feeding your family or yourself.... if you don't know how you are going to make the next rent or mortgage payment.... or other financial stress. I pray for you if you have other worries and concerns, it may be related to your health or relationships or you may be in a time or grief and loss or loneliness.
LIFE SURE CAN BE HARD at times - there is no one that escapes hardships in one way or another.
And when life gets tough we all react in different ways!
It can be a real test of our faith to trust God when we can't see ourselves how it can possibly get better!
And yet God advises us to 'look up' (the birds of the air fly high) at times such as these.... He wants us to trust Him and exercise our faith. It takes effort to do this! Its a choice we all face at multiple times during our lives.
The rest of this scripture verse in Matthew 6:26 urges us not to do the thing so many of us tend to do in times like this.... WORRY!
God doesn't say we won't have trouble in this life, in fact in this scripture He actually says that each day will have its own troubles.
What He IS saying is that He wants us to focus on whats happening TODAY and trust Him for what we are facing TODAY.
We all really only have one day at a time. God doesn't want us to worry about the future, He wants us to have faith that He will bring us through ONE DAY AT A TIME and He wants us to focus on just getting through TODAY.
If we can exercise our faith (exercise takes effort) each and every day to do just this, we will soon experience the peace that comes from living one day at a time, knowing that our future is safe and secure with our God.
Just like physical exercise, if we haven't done it for awhile it will be hard at first! If we tend to worry, that's where our thoughts will want to be! We will need to make ourselves think differently and in the beginning it will be hard and it may even hurt! But if we continue to practice it by choosing to live in faith and choosing to live one day at a time, eventually a new pattern will start to take place in our lives. We will worry less and live by faith more. And we will experience the peace that comes from living one day at a time.
Be blessed